Cultural Intelligence

In today’s globalized world, workplaces are increasingly composed of individuals from diverse cultural backgrounds. As such, developing Cultural Intelligence (CQ)—the ability to work effectively across different cultures—is essential.

SMCCU has partnered with the Cultural Intelligence Center in the USA to create UAE-specific CQ programs. These programs are designed to enhance your CQ skills while also teaching how to apply them effectively in both UAE workplace environments and broader contexts.

CQ is built on years of academic research and is structured around four key capabilities:

  • CQ Drive: Your level of interest, persistence, and confidence in engaging with multicultural situations.
  • CQ Knowledge: Your understanding of the similarities and differences between cultures.
  • CQ Strategy: Your ability to plan and reflect on multicultural interactions.
  • CQ Action: Your adaptability when working in diverse cultural settings.

Our programs are fully customizable to meet the unique needs of your organization. Training can be delivered through executive coaching, team workshops, or large group lectures and is available both in-person and virtually.

    To book this program please fill out the form below and we will get in touch with shortly to confirm the details

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